Wednesday, August 13, 2014

NEW Online Course for LDS Women

The Art of Desire

Saturdays at 8:30 Central Time
September 27th through October 25th, 2014

CLASS 1: September 27th
Understanding and overcoming women's cultural and psychological barriers to desire.

CLASS 2: October 4th
The art of desire:   Authenticity and its relationship to passion

CLASS 3 :  October 11th
The art of female arousal:  Physical and psychological 

CLASS 4: October 25th
Sexual self-development:  Including the how-tos of orgasm and sexual thought. 

This is a class for women only and will allow open conversations about the deep potential and challenges specific to female sexuality.  This course will help you develop a stronger relationship to yourself and is open to those in a relationship or currently single who want to have a healthier relationship to their sexuality in an LDS context. 

Course cost is $120.  

To sign up, please go to